Pharmacological Effects Of Magnesium Sulfate
(1) Magnesium Sulfate can inhibit the central nervous system, relax the skeletal muscles, and have the effects of sedation, anticonvulsant and intracranial pressure reduction. It is commonly used in the treatment of convulsions, eclampsia, uremia, tetanus and hypertensive encephalopathy. They were injected with 10% Magnesium Sulfate 10 ml deep intramuscular injection or diluted with 5% glucose to form 2% to 2.5% solution. But it should be noted that direct intravenous injection or large dose of intramuscular injection of Magnesium Sulfate is very dangerous. Generally, 25% Magnesium Sulfate can use up to 15 milliliters at most. Attention should be paid to the patient's respiration and blood pressure when using. Knee jerk is an important sign of magnesium sufficiency.
(2) magnesium plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar and protein. Children with growth and development should have magnesium salts if they have dyspepsia and vitamin D.
(3) magnesium has many physiological functions similar to potassium. Because magnesium deficiency is similar to potassium deficiency, magnesium deficiency is often overlooked. When potassium deficiency is absent and potassium is still not improved, the possibility of magnesium deficiency should be considered first so that hypomagnesemia can be corrected in time. Therefore, patients with long-term infusion should pay attention to magnesium supplementation while supplementing potassium. A daily infusion of 1 grams of Magnesium Sulfate can prevent the occurrence of hypomagnesemia.
(4) when patients with heart failure use digitalis drugs, magnesium salts can be properly supplemented to prevent the toxicity of digitalis. It is often effective to treat tachycardia with magnesium salts clinically.
(5) oral administration of Magnesium Sulfate has little absorption in the intestine, so there is no such use. But oral administration of Magnesium Sulfate has a good cathartic function, so Magnesium Sulfate is also called "salt". After oral administration of Magnesium Sulfate solution into the intestinal cavity, it has a certain osmotic pressure, so that the water in the intestine is not absorbed by the intestinal wall. A large amount of water is stored in the intestines, which can stimulate the bowel movement and defecate mechanically. Therefore, Magnesium Sulfate can be used for the treatment of constipation and abnormal ferment in the intestines. Every 5~20 grams of Magnesium Sulfate can be dissolved in 100~400 ml warm water at a time. Concentration is not easy to be too high, 5% is better, otherwise defecation delay.
(6) Magnesium Sulfate can stimulate the duodenum mucous membrane, reflex the common bile duct sphincter relaxation, gallbladder contraction, thus promoting the gallbladder emptying, has the effect of gallbladder. It can be used to treat cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, 2~5 grams a day, 3 times a day, before meals or between meals. 50% Magnesium Sulfate diluted to 33% (Gao Nongdu), 5ml Tid.
(7) Magnesium Sulfate can be used as a digestive tract contrast